Minor injured in explosion of ammunition remnants in Amed

A 14-year-old boy was critically injured in Amed (tr. Diyarbakir) when ammunition remnants exploded. The boy from the Feridun district of Silvan was grazing a herd of animals near military territory when the detonation occurred. Presumably, the explosive object was lying in open ground and was discovered by the boy.

The child was initially admitted to the state hospital in Silvan but is now at the Gazi Yaşargil Teaching and Research Hospital in Amed. His condition is extremely critical, the hospital said.

Large parts of North Kurdistan are literally tempted by ammunition lying around as well as mines and other explosive devices. Again and again, civilians, but especially children, become victims of these deadly legacies. According to the Landmine Monitor initiative, there were about one million landmines in the ground on Turkish territory in 1999. More than three million mines, which should actually be destroyed, are still in the Turkish army’s stockpiles of equipment.

There are 3. 174 mined areas in Ağrı, Ardahan, Batman, Bingöl, Bitlis, Amed, Antep, Hakkari, Hatay, Iğdır, Kars, Mardin, Urfa, Şirnak and Dersim. By 2022, Turkey, as a signatory to the Ottawa Convention, should have cleared all mines. So far, there has been no effort to do so, especially in the Kurdish region. Mines have only been cleared on stretches along the Syrian border, where the crossing of the border should be made possible for mercenaries and ISIS jihadists.