People in Maxmur Camp condemn Turkish attack

The people in Maxmur Camp gathered in front of the Martyrs’ Families Association building and marched to the place where the Turkish army launched a drone attack on Saturday. The attack targeted the school football field.

Before reading a statement, a minute silence was held for all the Martyrs of the Kurdistan Freedom Movement. Iştar Assembly Coordination member Çiçek Cengiz read the statement.
The statement said that the Turkish state carried out an airstrike on Maxmur in cooperation with the KDP. The statement condemned the negligence and silence of the Iraqi Government, the United Nations, the Ministry of Immigration and Refugees, human rights organizations, political parties in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq. The refugees in Maxmur said that silence means cooperation with the Turkish fascist state and called on the UN and the Iraqi Ministry of Immigration and Refugees to fulfil their responsibilities.