Balance sheet of attacks on Manbij in May

Manbij Military Council has published the balance sheet of attacks that targeted the northern Syrian city of Manbij during the month of May.

Accordingly, attacks by the invading Turkish army targeted the populated villages of Ereb Hesen, El Hoşriye, El Jat, Toxar Kibîr, Toxar Sigîr, Um Edasa, El Dendaniya and Um Cilûd.

The statement said that the bombardments caused damage on the properties of the local people. The attacks were carried out from the bases built by the Turkish army in the regions it has occupied in northern Syria.

Manbij Military Council stated that the Turkish army deliberately burned agricultural fields in the villages of El Jat and El Hoşeriya.

The statement continued, “Manbij Military Council forces foiled the mercenaries’ attempt to infiltrate the village of El Jat. During the ensuing clashes, three mercenaries were killed and their military equipment was seized. Attacks by the Turkish state forces and mercenaries were carried out simultaneously. While the mercenaries retrieved their dead, the Turkish state fired 50 cannon balls from the village of Qirate. The bombardment caused material damage on the houses of civilians while many agricultural fields in the villages of El Jat and El Hoşeriye burned down.”

Attacks by the Turkish state and mercenaries also killed some civilians in villages to the northwest of Manbij.