Women call for solidarity with activists on trial and participation in ‘Great Women Rally’

Istanbul Convention Ankara Campaign Group has called on everyone to join the hearing of the trial against 33 women who demonstrated for the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in August 2020 and ended up in prison and under prosecution.

Confederation of Public Workers’ Unions (KESK) Ankara Platform Term Spokeswoman, Melek Asır, said that women were subjected to state violence because they filled the streets to defend their right to life. Asir called on everyone to join the hearing of the trial against 33 women to be held on 7 June and added: “The Istanbul Convention cannot be prosecuted. We invite all women to stand by us, and show support to the women under trial the day of the first hearing. The appointment for everyone is at Ankara Sıhhiye Courthouse on Monday, 7 June at 9.30. As women, we are going to organize a great disobedience action.”


The Women’s for Equality Platform (THEŞİK) announced that preparation are underway for the ‘Great Women’s Rally’ to be held on 19 June to protest Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention. The decision was taken by Presidential decree and comes into effect on 1 July. The statement, signed by 88 women’s organizations and institutions, said that women from all over the country will gather in Istanbul on June 19 to show their strength and unity.

The statement said: “We are coming together in Istanbul from all over the country, to declare that we do not give up on the Istanbul Convention.”