Geneva vigil: “The UN must break its silence”

In Geneva, the protest action against the international silence on the extermination attacks of the Turkish state in Kurdistan has continued. The KCDK-E (Kurdish Democratic Societies Congress in Europe) and TJK-E (Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe) demand from the UN, the EU and the Council of Europe to take a stand against the expansionism and human rights violations of the Erdogan regime. A central issue is also the isolation of Abdullah Öcalan, who is considered a key figure for a political solution to the Kurdish question.

The protest action in front of the UN headquarters in Geneva has been held every Wednesday since January and was also launched today with a minute of silence in memory of those martyred in the Kurdish liberation struggle. Salih Sağlam, co-chair of the Democratic Kurdish Community of Geneva, delivered an address in which he referred to the resistance of the guerrillas in Kurdistan and the hunger strike of political prisoners in Turkey. He said that the struggle against Turkish fascism must be waged everywhere and that in Europe the main task is to make the UN and the EU break their silence in the face of the crimes of the Turkish state.