German friend of the Kurds dies in Venezuela

On 27 October 1994, the headquarters of the German army in Bad Freienwalde, 50 km from Berlin, was set on fire and burned. While a major material damage occurred in the headquarters, a few days after the incident, “Das K.O.M.I.T.E.E.” organization claimed responsibility for the action. The statement issued by the radical left-leaning organization, which made its name known for the first time with this action, said: “We targeted the German army because of its support to the Turkish security forces who committed massacres against the Kurdish people.”

The organization wanted to carry out its second action on 10 April 1995 against the deportation prison in the district of Grünau in Berlin. In order to protest the then Interior Minister Kanther, the architect of anti-Kurdish politics, and the policy of deportation of refugees, especially Kurds, the organization planned to blow up the deportation prison under construction.

However, the militants were discovered while trying to plant the 120 kilogram bomb and the action could not be carried out. As a result of the investigation conducted by the police an arrest warrant was issued against Bernd Heidbreder, Peter Krauth and Thomas Walter. 

According to the German security units, Heidbreder, Krauth and Walter were hiding in Latin American countries with the support of the German Red Army (RAF). Germany, which intensified its initiatives since 2012, increased its diplomatic pressure especially on Nicaragua, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Uruguay and Argentina to arrest the three militants.

About 20 years later, the news that Bernd Heidbreder was caught in Venezuela in 2014 reached Germany. Heidbreder, who was not handed over to Germany despite the attempts of the Berlin administration, was released after 2 years in prison. Heidbreder, who dealt with music and shared his videos social media during his stay in Venezuela, was undergoing cancer treatment for a while.

Writer and filmmaker friend Thomas Walter announced on his social media account that Heidbreder died of cancer on 28 May 2021. In 2019, Walter described the life and struggle of Heidbreder with the documentary “Against the Tide – Hiding in Venezuela”.

Born in Herfort in 1960, Heidbreder attended a police school in Cologne after high school education. However, Heidbrede left the police school and moved to West Berlin in the mid-1980s. Studying psychology for several semesters in Berlin, Heidbreder got acquainted with left-wing organizations and groups. he had been detained many times during these years for participating in leftist actions. After the failed action in 1995, Heidbreder fled to Latin America. Heidbreder was claimed to have lived in Colombia under the name “Smith” for many years.