New group takes over the sit-in by Kurdish activists in Strasbourg

In Strasbourg, the fourth week of the vigil against the Turkish war of aggression in Kurdistan has started on Monday. Under the slogan ” Avaşîn, Zap and Metîna are everywhere, time for freedom”, the Kurdish associations TJK-E and KCDK-E protest against the expansionism of the Turkish state and the silent approval of cross-border military operations by the international community. The protest runs together with the nine-year-long vigil for the freedom of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan in front of the building of the Council of Europe and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) and is scheduled for four weeks.

A group of 30 people coming from Switzerland has taken over the sit-in in its fourth week. The activists displayed a banner containing Öcalan’s remarks and chanted the slogan “Bijî serok Apo” [Long Live Leader Öcalan] as they took over the action.


In a statement on behalf of the new group, Tahsin Amed said they have taken over the sit-in action in the name of Kurdish Democratic Community in Switzerland.

Amed stated, “We will continue to remain in the streets until the occupation attacks on guerrilla zones come to an end and the freedom of our leader is attained.” He noted that they wanted to have their voice heard by European institutions.