Manbij residents call on international community to urge Turkey to stop using water as a weapon

The invading Turkish state has been reducing the flow of water to Northern and Eastern Syria provided by the Euphrates River for 4 months. While a serious humanitarian crisis is threatening the region because of the decrease in water, the international community remains silent in the face of this crime. The people of Manbij protested the Turkish state and called for the international community to take action.

Reşid El-Ehmed told ANHA that they were negatively affected by the decrease in water. “The Turkish state has been attacking us since the first day of the Syrian crisis. However, despite all its attacks, the Autonomous Administration continues to exist together with the peoples. Now Turkey has cut off water. The international community should stop the crimes of the Turkish state.”

Noting that the Turkish state wants to leave Northern and Eastern Syria without water, Cemal El-Heci said: “The Turkish state is depriving the people of the region of many things by cutting water. Agriculture, economy and social life are threatened. The UN and the international community should intervene.”