Third week of the vigil in Strasbourg concluded

In Strasbourg, the third week of the vigil against the Turkish war of aggression in Kurdistan came to an end on Friday. Under the slogan ” Avaşîn, Zap and Metîna are everywhere, time for freedom”, the Kurdish associations TJK-E and KCDK-E protest against the expansionism of the Turkish state and the silent approval of cross-border military operations by the international community. The protest runs together with the nine-year-long vigil for the freedom of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan in front of the building of the Council of Europe and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) and is scheduled for four weeks.


The third week was organized by the Alevi association FEDA, the Islamic community CIK, the Yazidi Coordination in Europe, the Union of Democratic Associations of Maraş (MARDEF) and activists from the Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe (TJK-E). There are daily discussion events on various topics. On Friday, Nedim Yildiz and Hakan Akay from the Dersim Reconstruction Congress and Ali Güler from the Association Against Genocide in Dersim spoke about the 1938 genocide and the Turkish state’s cultural assimilation policies that followed.

On the sidelines of the vigil, information dossiers were handed over to the permanent representations of the Council of Europe member countries, such as the Russian, Dutch and British representations on Friday. The action will be continued on Monday by new groups.
