Global Coalition: 39 anti-ISIS operations carried out Syria and Iraq in May

Global Coalition Spokesman Colonel Wayne Marotto said on Friday that their partners in Syria and Iraq carried out 39 operations against the Islamic State (ISIS) during May.

Marotto shared a post on Twitter, saying, “Thus far in May our partners completed 39 operations against Daesh, preventing 11 Daesh leaders and 59 henchmen from committing acts of terrorism against the people of Iraq and Syria.”

Thus far in May @CJTFOIR & our partners completed 39 operations against Daesh, preventing 11 Daesh leaders & 59 henchmen from committing acts of terrorism against the people of Iraq & Syria. @SDFinformation, @cmoc_sdf, #SDF, #Peshmerga, #ISF, @IraqiCTS, #FactFriday.

— OIR Spokesman Col. Wayne Marotto (@OIRSpox) May 28, 2021

In addition to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), whose backbone is formed by the YPG/YPJ People’s and Women’s Defense Units, the operational partners of the international anti-ISIS coalition are the Peshmerga of the Kurdistan Autonomous Region in Iraq (KRI) and counter-terrorism service (STC) of the Iraqi military. 

Retreat sites on border targeted by the coalition

The operation against ISIS has been focusing on jihadist retreat sites in the Syrian-Iraqi border area for some time. Last Sunday, the SDF, along with Asayish, local security forces from the Northeast Syrian Autonomous Administration, had conducted a large-scale operation in the Jazirat al-Bouhmaid region west of Deir ez-Zor.

ISIS assassinations of tribal leaders

The operation took place against a backdrop of ISIS assassinations of tribal leaders, civil society representatives, and teachers in the region and covered more than 53 locations, including an IDP camp where ISIS manufactured booby traps, recruited members, and hid them. A total of 24 people were arrested during the operation.