Four people remanded in custody in Adana

A new political police operation in Adana added to the already heavy crackdown on any progressive and left-wing opposition. This repression is the tool used by the AKP in order to stay in power. The criminal department of the Adana Provincial Court issued arrest warrants on Thursday evening for four out of a total of twenty people arrested earlier this week. Two other people were. The remaining people are still being held in police custody.

The arrests in Adana were carried out on Monday on the basis of an investigation by the local prosecutor. The police also made numerous arrests in other cities on the same day; 16 people have so far been arrested in Amed. In Adana, Kurdish artists Jiyan Savcı (Koma Qerin) and Ilyas Arzu (Koma Pel) from the music center Dem are among those arrested. Both are repeatedly targeted by the Turkish judiciary and were last arrested a year ago. In addition, Mehmet Şirin Tunç, the former deputy co-chair of the DBP (Party of Democratic Regions), and HDP youth activist Cigergun Güven were also arrested in Adana.