Journalists: International community accomplice to Turkey’s crimes in North-East Syria

The occupant Turkish state continues to commit crimes against peoples in North and East Syria. In addition to artillery attacks on North-East Syria, it leaves the people deprived of water. The Turkish state deactivated Allouk Station supplying water for Heseke Canton after occupying Serekaniye (Ras al-Ain), and now Turkey uses water as a weapon against the people. Moreover, the international community and so-called guarantor countries remain silent against these crimes. Journalists in the region spoke to ANHA on the issue and stated that the international community must interfere the Turkish state’s vicious policies.


Samir Yasin working for Rohani TV said, “The Turkish state intends to clamp down on the people here. It strives to expel people from their lands on the purpose of invading Kurdish territories and expanding its boundaries. In the context of international relations, Turkey’s practices are defined as war crimes. After the international community put pressure on Turkey, Turkish authorities allowed a couple of water pumps to function but these pumps cannot supply adequate amount of water to meet people’s need. The Turkish state must urgently give up these provocative attempts.”


Recalling Russia’s mission as a guarantor country and responsibility for protecting the people, Yasin continued, “Russia must get Allouk station back from the gangs but avoids its responsibility. Such a stance demonstrates Russia’s collaboration with the Turkish state. Allouk station must be handed over to international peace force.”


Likewise, Ehmed Semila working for Soriyo TV said, “After occupying Serekaniye, the Turkish state now sets eyes on these areas. That’s why it is closing the Allouk station. Such policies are adaptions of the Ottoman tradition. Since it was established, the Turkish state has adopted the massacre tradition of Ottoman Empire. It cuts off the water while bombarding civilian settlements on the other side. Despite all these crimes, international human rights organisations do not fulfil their responsibilities.”

Expressing that they, as journalists will continue to convey the truths to the people and the world, Ehmed Semila pointed out the urgency of intervention by the international community in Turkey’s crimes in the region.