TAJÊ protests crimes committed by gangs affiliated with Turkey in Afrin

Following the protests of the women in the village of Kaxirê against the occupation policies, the gangs affiliated with the Turkish state blockaded the village and cut off the internet.

In this context, the Yazidi Women’s Freedom Movement (TAJÊ) issued a statement condemning the attack by gangs on women in the village of Kaxirê. The statement called on the international community to end its silence against these crimes.

The statement said that the Turkish state and its gangs committed brutal crimes against the people of Afrin, under occupation since 2018, in full view of the international community and humanitarian organizations that claim to defend human rights.

It also saluted the resistance of the people of Afrin against the Turkish occupation and its gangs, and stated that every support would be given to this resistance.

Turkey-backed gangs raided houses belonging to Kurds in the village of Kaxirê in the Mabeta district of Afrin and tortured people. The Turkish state tortured and killed two women and injured many people.